четверг, 1 января 2015 г.

January, 1 - The Stroke of Midnight

Where were you last night when 2013 turned into 2014? Is that where you’d wanted to be?

Yep, right. Holidays.

To start with, as I grow up, I try to never celebrate any holiday the way I don't want to. As I grow up, I have almost no restrictions to how to do it or how NOT to do it. As I grow up, I surely realise that having holidays is much more fun when you're of age. I also realise something else, but let's save it for a little later.

Alright, the memories of the New Year-2014 bring me back to our party with bros. I first had some time with my parents and at about 8 PM I left for Tanya's. That was the place everything was going to happen. The first memory I have is of us three (plus Julie) sitting around the New Year table, absolutely... exhausted. And here's gonna be one more "as you grow up" - you realise that people really need at least a week before the holiday to finish the shopping and cooking, to have some rest from work and to get some energy for the celebrations. It's our sort of world where you have to do everything in between the business, your back sweaty and hands full of stuff you even forget you need for.

But if you think it was oh-so-miserable, then you're so wrong. That's what great friends, plenty of alcohole and loads of salads are for - to keep you so alive through the night. I remember us listening to the President's speech on TV, singing the anthem (sometimes completely out of key, but who cares anyway?) and dancing to lots of marvellous songs which made the coming year. One more thing there was is a long-awaited message from one special person (and not everyone there liked that fact, that's for sure). The morning after I became Frodo Baggins, and I guess this will stay with me for a very long time. Do I mind? I guess, not much.

Thus, it was a very homely and a very lovely party which we rocked. As you can see, we didn't have any fashionable gathering with loads of strangers in some posh place where guys ask you to dance every five minutes, we didn't wear any masks or costumes, and our party didn't have any style, I mean, gangsta or Hawaiian. It had our, "bros" style, and that's the only thing that matters. So, it pretty much answers the question about whether it was the place where I'd wanted to be. That was the place.

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